– about the issue on your mind!

Book a SPOT ON Reading;
a conversation between the two of us – in Nature.

Sometimes it feels good to talk to someone outside the familiar environment! Someone who truly listens and can come up with another perspective of your situation. Let motion in beautiful Nature stir up your e-motions – to get a clear mind. My speciality is: To invite Spirit into our talk and fuse Father Heaven’s mind-blowing talk with Mother Earth’s sensuous tools.

We take a stroll somewhere convenient for both of us. In a botanical garden, a park, or even along the seashore. Fresh air always has a good effect on decision-making or just: Calming the mind so you can get a much better understanding of your present situation.
While we Walk and Talk light is brought into any issue you may want to discuss. Maybe it’s about the role you play in a specific situation…? Which archetype are you embodying? And who else plays a part in the theatre? When we look upon ourselves as actors on a stage we may get a needed perspective to what’s going on. Let’s profit from the healing effect of Nature while we Walk and Talk – about You.

It’s long been acknowledged that Nature has a deeply healing effect on any imbalances whether physical or psychological. Hospitals around the world create gardens for recovery and essential oils have long ago proven their worth especially for city-people. So often we don’t see the wood for the trees and can get self-absorbed to a point where our thoughts start spiraling. Many factors may impart on your mood, energy and focus. However, there is a time-honoured remedy that never fails: Nature.

Make a pause, step into Nature, let Spirit intervene in your life and get a fresh look at any issue you may be harbouring.


Fee: D Kr. 850,- Allow approx. 90 minutes for your Walk and Talk – Spot on session. I’ll bring juice and fruits! Come with good walking shoes and clothes that fit the weather condition.

NB: If the Walk and Talk session is a follow up of your VIP Reading, the fee will be minus 10 % reduction.


Cancellations to the oil evening must be notified no later than 24 hours before the event. Cancellations for a one-day event or lecture must be notified no later than 8 days before the event in question; however, 14 days before any weekend- or weekly workshop. In case of late cancellation, 50% of the amount will be invoiced. In case of no-show without cancellation, the full amount will be invoiced.

Cancellations are accepted ONLY by telephone: 0045 - 22 42 06 24