Cybele Onana Bonakouvi
Welcome to Maison Cybele Onana, which includes my oils, films, workshops, readings and upcoming books….all related to the ancient symbol of the Tree of Life. My face– and body oils have been especially created for you, who are sensitive and who love nature. The oils work wonders on your emotional health, healing and well-being. They can assist you to achieve balance between your subtle energies, which are constantly affected by both the noise of the world and your own inner voices.
If I had to say a few words about who I am, I would say: I am a mystic and an energy worker. On a more pragmatic level, I am an art historian, lecturer, film director, fragrance artist, and workshop leader… I’m the detective who prefers the long haul – delving into the waters of the subconscious that often only ripple the surface. All my Maison Cybele Onana oils are created to nourish the beauty that emerges from within – like the pearl in a seashell – and balance the relationship between Father Heaven and Mother Earth – in you. We humans are nothing without the Spirit that flows through everything. It is when we acknowledge this power and welcome it that we are alive. Also no one goes through life without challenges, and it is in this context that Nature’s gifts are so wonderful. You can get so much help through Nature’s masterpieces – both by simply staying in Nature, by using breathing exercises in the open air and by using the incredible creations in Nature such as crystals and flowers for healing purposes.
Nature, God’s great cathedral, fills me with joy and gratitude. To think that one day I would experience the privilege of mixing my own natural oils! A stranger once said to me: You are a fairy who makes magic blends! To be recognized and seen in this way was simply such a beautiful experience.
Everything in Nature exudes life, growth, beauty and decay – just like life itself. Use Nature’s beautiful creations to honour yourself as one of God’s masterpieces and boost your strength so that you can endure to have returned at a time when the world is in turmoil. May God’s light and love embrace you and help you to show your most beautiful colors.
Read more about Cybele: gifts-of-spirit.com
Thanks to writer and photographer Jørgen Moranis for the beautiful photos of my oils in nature. Thanks to Ulla Kvintel, who was once one of my suppliers and with whom I have had many good conversations. Thanks to Sofian for patiently working with me to create my two new websites (cybele-onana.com & gifts-of-spirit.com). Thank you to all of you who write to me and tell me about your experiences with the oils and thank you to you who book my workshops and readings.