Choose from two soothing HEART CHILD PERFUME OILS to help you heal your (inner) child. When you need nourishment and healing of your time line.
Since Cybele Onana only makes a few oils of each kind at a time (+ each oil is made separately), and not all of them are always in stock, you are kindly asked to order by mail.

Le Manège
Sacred Heart
Le Manège perfume and body oil: A warm and calming fragrance for the child – and your inner child. Like a loving embrace when you can’t calm down, are afraid of the dark, have stomach aches…
Le Manège luxurious perfume and body oil with lavender, lotus and other precious oils mixed with crystal essence of strawberry quartz, yellow calcite … When you are beside yourself. For gentle healing and a ride on the merry-go-round where you are the one to decide who you will be and when to blow the kickoff whistle.
Honour yourself
$ 72,-

Magical child of Joy
Magical child of Joy perfume and body oil: Awakens your senses, balances your emotions and brings you down into your body. Helps you to get clear about your resources and values to boost new joy of life.
Magical child of Joy luxurious perfume and body oil with balsam and incense notes accompanied by vibrations from petrified wood, blue tourmaline… for the neglected child in the grown-up. Heals old stories from the past that block you from reaching your full potential and creates a beautiful sense of inner calm. Helps you translate your pain into wisdom. Anti-inflammatory. Reduces pain in the joints. Helps expand higher consciousness.
For the child in you
$ 87,-